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Jose Quinonez, A.Z.S., C.Z.S., C.M.

EP Global Consulting is a unique take on the economic development process. Having over 28 years of economic development experience in public and private sector, Joe's innate ability to cultivate relationships throughout the US has allowed his network of contacts to grow exponentially.  Now as a consultant, Joe adds a personal touch to the economic development process that tends to be forgotten in the larger businesses.

As principal, Joe brings his experience in economic development and foreign trade zone applications and operations, providing an array of economic development solutions.  Joe's depth of knowledge and experience managing economic development programs has enabled him to help local governments, non-profits and corporate investors obtain positive results. Previously he was Director of Economic Development for El Paso County where his department was recognized for Economic Excellence by the Texas Economic Development Council in 2018.  Prior to this, Joe was the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Manager for the City of El Paso's FTZ, leading it to become one of the most successful programs in the nation (#1 in Exports & #2 in Merchandise Received in 2014) and winning many accolades from business publications such as Business Facilities, fDI Times and Global Trade.  He has coordinated the activation of over 50 companies in the United States.



Master of Public Administration, University of Texas - El Paso

Bachelor of Arts, University of Texas-El Paso



Accredited Zone Specialist  - NAFTZ

Certified Zone Specialist - NAFTZ

Certified Member - AAAE

​Completed seminars:  Introduction to Entrepreneur-Led Economic DevelopmentBusiness Retention & Expansion, Accelerating Growth Through Entrepreneur-Led Economic Development, Real Estate Development & Reuse, Economic Development (ED) Marketing & Attraction, Managing ED Organizations, ED Strategic Planning, ED Credit Analysis, International Economic Development Council. 

Creating the Future Downtown, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Governance Certificate, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management Executive Programs

Principles of Importing, License Preparation I, International Information Systems (License   Preparation II), El Paso Community College.



International Economic Development Council

National Association of Foreign Trade Zones

El Paso Trade & Manufacturing Council

Texas Economic Development Council



International Economic Development Council, Awards Committee, 2018-2021

National Association of Foreign Trades Zones, Chairman, 2015-2016

Past-President, El Paso Trade & Manufacturing Council

Vice-Chair, GECU Board of Directors

Vice-Chair, Mayor's Lyceum, Manufacturing Committee, 2010-2013

Texas Economic Development Council, Legislative & Conference Committees


ABOUT: About Me
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